Check this great link on overall dresses:
Esta es una página dedicada a los petos, overoles, jardineros o mamelucos, aquellos pantalones de pechera y tirantes que se ven tan tiernos y atractivos en las chicas.Me gustaría que me escribieran para hablar sobre overoles o cambiar imagenes . Mi mail es: This Blog is dedicated to overalls, or dungarees, those bib and brace pants that look so cute and nice on a girl. Any feedback is appreciated. Please write me to:
Check this great link on overall dresses:
Overalls are such a cute clothing item. A woman in them is irresistible. You can pull her by her straps or just watch how her body is hugged by the bib, the straps and the buttoned crotch. I hope you like the pictures.
Please seat back and enjoy! I appreciate any comments u send me on the site, the pics or overalls. I am available for chat on MSN messenger or yahoo messenger.